I recently wanted to play Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: China and even though I played some months ago I now got
Author: Fragxz
SOLUTION: OBS VLC-Source Video freezes sometimes
I had the problem, that using the “VLC-Source” feature of OBS, the video sometimes froze. Example – faulty video But
SOLUTION: Vive Wands Controller Problem – Touchpad Click is not working
Example: You control your character in the game “Moss VR” with clicking/holding down the touchpad of the VIVE Wands. But
bash: $’\377\376′: command not found
Problem: I got the following Message everytime, when I opened my Git Bash on Windows 10: Solution: To fix it,
Twitch Stream Marker | How to easily create a Stream Marker without a Stream Deck
Do you search for an easy way to create a Twitch Stream Marker? Without spending the money for a StreamDeck
HTML Inputfield Password pattern
Short Guide for Inputfield Password Patterns: MINIMUM CHARACTER LENGTHexample for minimum 8 characters NUMERIC CHARACTERrequire at least one number /
HOW TO | CHECK if a twitch stream is online or offline
For a long time I did search for a solution, to easily check if a Twitch Stream is online or
How to add Xiaomi Mijia Desklamp into ioBroker
Requirements running ioBroker Instance Mijia Desklamp, thats already added to the Yeelight App Desklamp and ioBroker are in the same